What is TREC?
TREC is a great sport suited for any horse and rider with varying ranges of ability. You can compete as a pair or individual at most levels. Whether you are aiming for the Championships or just enjoy exploring the countryside, the emphasis is on having fun with your friends and your horse.
The competition involves obstacles you might encounter out hacking including map reading, mounting (and dismounting), crossing water, opening gates, jumping fallen logs or ducking under low branches. Full TREC events are usually run over a weekend, either one or two days.
In the winter Trec competitions are held in an arena and include a course of obstacles and a test of control of paces.
The Three Elements of TREC
The orienteering phase...

The POR a ride of between 10km and 45km along a predetermined route across varying terrain. The route is followed using a map and, at the higher levels, grids and bearings using a compass.
The aim of the POR is to complete route correctly at the predetermined speeds between checkpoints.

The obstacle phase...

This phase is intended to demonstrate obedience, confidence, courage, balance and surefootedness as well as the correctness and appropriateness of the rider’s aids. All of which simulate circumstances that may be encountered in the countryside.
The course consists of up to 16 obstacles, all of which are optional. A competitor can select those which best suit themselves and their horse.
The MA
The control of paces phase...

This phase comprises of two stages judged on a riders ability to ride their horse in a controlled manner in two paces;
A slow canter along a corridor up to 150m in length and 2m wide, followed by a fast walk back along the same corridor. The horse must cross the start and finish line in the required pace. Along the corridor the combination have to keep the same pace, without breaking or changing pace or stepping out of the corridor.

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